Wednesday, October 20, 2004

the first touch of a sunrise on mountains
As her rays, like fingers, hold on to the snowy peaks
gently lifting her into the sky to shine so brilliantly
and to awaken the earth with the gentle kiss of her warmth.

She seeps through the porous fabric of forest
rushing, through to celebrate the beauty of life she brings to the day ahead.
She stops to listen to the aria of a solo bird who has just caught glimpse of her ,
and soon, a symphony of voices all around her begins.

A dance, a flurry of steps, she rises up into the sky,
a tango with the wind
she embraces the world below.
Emotions so high, so great, her eyes form clouds
releasing her tears, as if each tear told the earth,
"take this part of me, live this life with me"

The earth responds in a flurry of color,
Responding in a masterpiece of vivid colors.

She smiles across the sky in the colors of the earth.


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